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interactive installation with table, chair, archive with index cards, text, writing book, pen, frames, paper

2016 and growing

An archive with memories of women in times of war, collected in Europe 2015 - 2018. Every card guards a memory; her memory or a memory of her memory. All text are anonymous and passed through the artist. A choire of what could have been remembered. The archive contains more than 150 memories and is growing by every exhibition. The audience is welcomed to sit down, read and share memories in a writing book. They might later be added to the archive. While exhibited, selected memories can be presented on the surrounding walls. The Herstory Archive exists in Swedish, English and Finnish versions, or a combination of two or all the languages. Exhibitions / Screenings Burträskbyggdens Konstförening, Burträsk Galleria Luoma, Fredrikshamn / different entrances, vestibules and rooms connected to cinemas, exhibitions, festivals and screenings Co-production & Support Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse/ Lettersteds Anslag / Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland Konstsamfundet / Film i Skåne